Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Just Happy !!!

Things have not changed drastically between the last post of Awiyeen happy to Just Happy...
The phase of happiness is constant and I am wishing that to myself for the rest of my Life.
I am reading a book and I don't care if it is philosophy for anyone...This could be an influence for a while...but it keeps me happy and this is what everyone is living for.

This is hard work...How? For What? ...Being Just Happy :)
For the last 20 Years I have been underestimating and putting myself down on every occasion...to change that thought process is hard work.
We are made by our thoughts and I believe one can choose to be Happy...
I am working towards it.
I deserve to be happy.

I got a new skirt...I am happy.
I got a new phone... I am happy.
I made a new friend...I am happy.
I shared my feelings with friends and got to know..a lot of them feel exactly the same.I am happy to know to that.
I am happy...that I am happy.
One of my best friend Sweety got married last week...I am happy for her.
My Sister lost weight and she looks ravishing in her new short dress...I am happy for her.
My Niece Sania scored grade A in her report card…I am happy for her.
My Friend Tejas got a new job in India ...I am happy for him.
Anup has a wonderful loving wife... I am happy for him.
Saurabh..eehhh not sure what he has...but he has me as his friend…I am happy for him.
Neo will be celebrating his second birthday on 15th April...Happy Birthday to him.

Does it take too much to be happy… I counted the things I have and that made me happy.
Cheers to Celebration of Happiness...